Trip to Ark Encounter and Creation Museum Planned

We are planning a group trip to see the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in Kentucky, April 24-26, 2017. We are planning to hire a coach for our transportation that will hold 40 people.

If you plan to go on the trip, please sign up on one of the new sign-up sheets posted on the bulletin boards in the foyer or by the church office. The more people going on the trip, the cheaper the cost for each person. The price sheet is printed in the bulletin insert and posted by the sign-up sheets on the bulletin boards. The cost of the coach and tickets to the attractions must be paid by March 24th. Make checks out to Cornerstone Baptist Church. Contact Susan at 893-2600 for any questions about the trip and the cost.

We will have contact information for the hotel after February 19th so you can call and make reservations directly.