Preschool / Children’s Ministry

preschoolpicThe Preschool/Children’s Ministry of Cornerstone provides classes and activities for children, birth through sixth grade. The boys and girls and their families are ministered to in a variety of ways.

There are Sunday Bible Study classes for each age group, and special activities planned on a regular basis. During the Sunday Morning Worship hour, Children’s Church is provided for both preschoolers and elementary age children through the 4th grade. This provides a wonderful time of Bible study and learning on a level the children can understand and enjoy.

There are also classes on Wednesday nights for both boys and girls. Girls are in missions groups (Mission Friends for preschoolers/Girls in Action for elementary age) and boys are involved in Royal Ambassadors Bible study and activities. For more information on opportunities available in Preschool/Children’s Ministry at Cornerstone, please call the church office at 893-2600.