How do I become a member of Cornerstone?

Nearly every week someone asks this question. It is a good question because all churches have their own plan for accepting members. This can be one of your happiest experiences if you know how to do it and what to expect in the process.

There are three ways to join Cornerstone.  The absolute essential to unite with Cornerstone is that you must place your trust in Jesus Christ and Him alone for eternal life through His death, burial, and resurrection. Receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord is what makes you a Christian! Church membership is for the person who has been, or is now willing to surrender his or her life to Jesus.

We give a public “Invitation” at the end of our Worship Services on Sunday Morning and Evening. You can come to the front of the church during that “Invitation Time” to make a public profession of your faith in Jesus and/or to indicate you would like to become a member of the church. Having trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, you may unite with Cornerstone by:

BAPTISM (by immersion)

  1. If you have not yet been baptized by immersion following your salvation experience.
  2. If you are joining from a church that does not baptize by immersion (dip under water).
  3. If you are joining from a church that teaches baptism is the means of salvation by washing away sins. This is a type of works theology and we believe salvation is only by grace through faith. We want every member to be Scripturally baptized as a believer in Jesus – not trusting in baptism to save them.

LETTER (of transfer)

Being a baptized member of another Baptist Church of like faith and practice.

STATEMENT (of faith in Christ and previous baptism by immersion)

A. Coming from another church though having previously been a baptized member of a Baptist Church.
B. Coming from a Baptist church no longer in existence or having destroyed records.
C. Having been baptized by immersion (after salvation) by a church, other than a Baptist Church, which does not believe baptism is for salvation (baptismal regeneration).

In addition, before you unite with Cornerstone, it is important to consider what you believe on various key doctrines of the faith. If you generally believe as we believe about the following articles of the Faith as stated in The Baptist Faith and Message 2000, then you will find yourself “at home” theologically here at Cornerstone.