All posts by Brian Credille

Revival Meeting Sept 22-25 with Rev. Guy Thomas and Stan Neely! Join us!

What a treat we have in store September 22-25! We will hold a special Revival Meeting with Rev. Guy Thomas preaching and our own Stan Neely leading the Music. We hope you will plan to attend each of the four services and pray that God will use this week greatly.

Bro. Guy is the founding pastor of Cornerstone, and a great friend to us all. He recently retired from the pastorate, but is ready to come and share God’s Word with us during these days. Please pray for him, knowing that God will speak through him, and pray for many open, receptive hearts to the Gospel.

September 22 is also our Church Picnic! Bro. Guy will preach in the 10:30 am service and then we will have a picnic lunch at the church – hamburgers and hot dogs provided. So bring food to share! There will be games and fun for all as well. Because we’ll be at the church all day, we will NOT have an evening service on Sunday.

Our Revival will continue September 23-25 each night at 7:00 PM. The Revival Choir (come sing!) will meet nightly at 6:30 pm to get ready. Join us, and bring family and friends as well. Pray for many to be saved during this week.

A Pizza, salad and dessert meal will be provided on Wednesday night, September 25 at 6:00 PM. We will NOT have the regular children and youth classes that night.

A Nursery will be provided for each service for Children two and under. Please pray for Bro. Guy and for Stan as they prepare to lead us, and pray that God will use this week to change many lives and bring people to Jesus Christ!

Missouri Missions Offering – Church Goal: $3,000

We hope you will consider giving a special offering to support the work of sharing the Gospel in our own state of Missouri. The Missouri Missions Offering supports the work of the Missouri Baptist Convention. Our Church Goal this year is $3,000. There are special envelopes in the Sanctuary for this Offering, or you can give online.

Thank you so much for supporting this important Missions offering.

UPDATE: VBS 2024 – A GREAT SUCCESS! Thanks to All Who Worked So Hard!

UPDATE: VBS 2024 was a great success! We had 159 Total Enrollment, with 60 kids (Nursery-Youth). There was a strong adult class as well plus all of our workers. We had four professions of faith during the week, and countless seeds of the Gospel planted! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make VBS possible this year!


Online Registration is now available for Vacation Bible School 2024! You can register now by clicking the link above! VBS will be held June 2-6, from 5:45-8:30pm. Below is a video preview of our “Breaker Rock Beach” VBS theme! Hope to see you there. We have classes for all ages from Nursery to Adult. NOTE: Children Kindergarten and younger MUST have an adult guardian stay in the building (an adult class is provided) at all times. No dropping off and leaving children K or younger.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study – 9:30 AM – Study of Hebrews

Our Tuesday Morning Bible Study will resume April 16, at 9:30 AM, in the Large Fellowship Hall. Pastor Brian will lead a study of the book of Hebrews verse-by-verse. Notes will be provided for each session. Join us for this wonderful time of fellowship and learning together from God’s Word.  The study will continue each Tuesday at 9:30 AM. Everyone is welcome!

Cornerstone Ladies Banquet – Saturday, May 18, 12 NN – Details!

Our Annual Cornerstone Ladies Banquet is being held Saturday, May 18, at 12:00 PM in the Large Fellowship Hall. This special day is for all women and girls of our church and for family and friends you want to bring with you.

Our meal will be provided by the men of Cornerstone. There is no charge for this event.

Invite your mothers, daughters, and granddaughters and friends to attend with you. We look forward to seeing you at the Ladies Banquet!

Join Us for Easter Sunday – March 31! Sunrise Service 7 AM!

Easter Sunday is a glorious day! We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. He is alive! That profound truth changes everything. We hope you will spend the morning with us March 31 – all, or part of it – in celebrating the Risen Lord. Here’s the schedule:

  • 7:00 AM – Easter Sunrise Service
  • 8:00 AM – Easter Breakfast (cooked by the men of the church)
  • 8:45 AM – Special Easter Activity for Children
  • 9:30 AM – Sunday School for all ages
  • 10:30 AM – Easter Worship Service – Adult Choir presents powerful Easter Music + Brief Easter Message
  • (No Evening Worship)

As you can see, it will be a great morning! It will be even better if you join with us to lift up our Savior who loves us, and is alive today!

Sunday Night, April 28 to Feature Larry Allen Testimony

Please join us in our Sunday Evening Worship Service on April 28, 6 PM to hear Guest Speaker Larry Allen. Larry is a friend of Mark and Brenda Donnell. He is speaking the morning of the 28th at their church, where Mark is now pastor – Cole Spring Baptist Church in Russellville and will join us that Evening.

Larry has a powerful testimony of how God brought him through Kidney and Liver Transplants, and he boldly shares the Good News of God’s love and salvation through Jesus Christ. Larry has pastored churches in Michigan and Ohio, and is retired from the Michigan Baptist Convention. Join us for this special service, and pray that God will use it greatly. You won’t want to miss it! A love offering will be taken for Larry and his wife, Mary.

Annie Armstrong North American Missions Kickoff Dinner – March 3, 5:30 PM

GOAL: $5,500 GIVEN TO DATE: (4/8/24) $5,274

We will be having a potluck meal on Sunday evening, March 3, at 5:30 PM to kickoff our Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions!

We hope you will bring some food to share (main dish and a side or dessert) and join us for this special evening of food, fellowship, and devotion as we focus on our efforts to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ across North America.

Our church goal for the Easter Offering this year is $5,500, every penny of which will be sent to the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention to help support the thousands of missionaries serving all across North America.

We hope to see you Sunday night, March 3, and thank you for supporting the cause of sharing Christ!

NOTE: The dinner will take the place of our regular 6 PM Evening Service.