What a treat we have in store September 22-25! We will hold a special Revival Meeting with Rev. Guy Thomas preaching and our own Stan Neely leading the Music. We hope you will plan to attend each of the four services and pray that God will use this week greatly.

Bro. Guy is the founding pastor of Cornerstone, and a great friend to us all. He recently retired from the pastorate, but is ready to come and share God’s Word with us during these days. Please pray for him, knowing that God will speak through him, and pray for many open, receptive hearts to the Gospel.
September 22 is also our Church Picnic! Bro. Guy will preach in the 10:30 am service and then we will have a picnic lunch at the church – hamburgers and hot dogs provided. So bring food to share! There will be games and fun for all as well. Because we’ll be at the church all day, we will NOT have an evening service on Sunday.

Our Revival will continue September 23-25 each night at 7:00 PM. The Revival Choir (come sing!) will meet nightly at 6:30 pm to get ready. Join us, and bring family and friends as well. Pray for many to be saved during this week.
A Pizza, salad and dessert meal will be provided on Wednesday night, September 25 at 6:00 PM. We will NOT have the regular children and youth classes that night.
A Nursery will be provided for each service for Children two and under. Please pray for Bro. Guy and for Stan as they prepare to lead us, and pray that God will use this week to change many lives and bring people to Jesus Christ!